Live telecast of interfaith from Malaysia

Live chat that is going on is found here. (Not applicable after the live chat is over but can be clicked if the above video does not work due to YouTube technical controls by the organizers.)

16 June 2013
An eloquent Muslim woman Yasmin Mogahed from the US, a book writer, who was in Kuala Lumpur

She had spoken in a conference of the MAS Muslim American Society where Dr Mahathir had participated at on a later date and is referenced here

27 Sep 2020
Announced on FaceBook of the Islam-Buddhism Forum on “Compassion and Mercy as the common values between Islam and Buddhism”

28 Sep 2020
Live Islam-Buddhism Forum on “Compassion and Mercy as the common values between Islam and Buddhism”

20 Oct 2020
Interfaith discussion with a Pastor and a Bishop in Utah USA


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